Doctor Honoris Causa

Doctor Honoris Causa

Zahal Levy, President of Euromedic Romania – Doctor Honoris Causa, ‘Aurel Vlaicu’ University

Arad, Romania, June 28th, 2004

As recognition for the work and benefits offered to the community, “Aurel Vlaicu” University in Arad, Romania granted the high academic award of Doctor Honoris Causa to Mr. Zahal Levy, President of Euromedic Romania, on June 28th, 2004.

For Mr. Zahal Levy, this academic homage represents a sign of gratitude for the initiative of bringing medical services at the highest international standards to Romania and to the Arad community. The Academic ceremony was chaired by Prof. Univ. Dr. Lizica Mihut, Rector of the University, who declared the honouree as Ambassador of the institution, in Romania and abroad.

“Mr. Levy’s activities have to be divided in two distinctive parts: that of the successful businessman, top specialist in health insurance and management of medical services, and the quality of the modern personality, that of administrating the investments according to the need of the clients.
Mr. Levy is a pioneer in Romania, in the way of combining the success of the investor with the superior satisfaction of the partner. He is offering in Romania solutions, models, jobs, services at the level of the 21st century.” (Prof. Gheorghe Schwartz, Dean of the Faculty of Humanist Studies read the “Laudatio” for Mr. Levy)

The ceremony was attended by the Mayor of Arad, the Board of Professors from the University, the Euromedic Arad Centre management team, the President of the Jewish Community in Arad and an impressive number of students.