Romania, a country with one of the lowest life expectancies in the EU – Men (69.2 years) and Women (77.5 years)- MediHelp International Press Release- 19.02.2014

Romania, a country with one of the lowest life expectancies in the EU – Men (69.2 years) and Women (77.5 years)- MediHelp International Press Release- 19.02.2014

In 2010 the population of Romania was 21.4 million, compared to 22.5 million in 1999. During the last decade the population has been gradually shrinking, more then in other countries in the EU. Romanian men and women have a considerably shorter life expectancy then people from other countries in the EU.

The life expectancies for Romanian men (69.2 years) and women (77.5 years) are comparable with those of men and women in Hungary and Bulgaria. However, compared to EU-15 countries (those that were European Union member states before May 2004) Romanian men and women have a considerably shorter life expectancy (8.1 years and 6 years less, respectively).

Also, the maternal death rate in Romania registers very high figures: it is the second highest in the region, higher than in the countries like Hungary, Serbia or Bulgaria Health and lifestyle indicators for maternal deaths (per 100 000 live births) indicate 21.1 for Romania, compared to 5.6 in the EU-15. A similar situation can be seen in the case of infant mortality. The indicators for infant mortality (per 1 000 live births; reported) in Romania show an average of 10.1 compared to 3.7 as an EU-15 average.

„These statistics are alarming and there are many factors at the root of the phenomenon, such as lifestyle, lack of information, attention to prevention, and last but not least, the poor healthcare system in Romania. A great solution for all citizens can be a private health insurance, which offers them the right to the best medical treatment available throughout the world, including prevention and specialized consultations, as well as maternity care or new-born care”, says Alida Coman, Marketing and PR Coordinator for MediHelp International.