2.5 million Euros/policy year – new maximum coverage limit for a health insurance plan, with the new MediHelp Superior Plan- MediHelp International Press Release-08.09.2014
MediHelp International, the most important private health insurance provider in the CEE, announces the launch of MediHelp Superior Plan. The new product offers the most substantial maximum coverage limit available on the market at the moment for private health insurance: 2.5 million Euros/ policy year. The customers will be allowed to approach medical care all over the world.
MediHelp Superior Plan is the first insurance product of its kind and developed for the Romanian market, offering comprehensive benefits and, for the first time, the choice for the country where the insured prefers to have medical treatment.
“During our 15 years in the regional market we have consolidated our portfolio, developing new products in accordance with our clients’ experiences and requirements. We have carefully gathered information, analysed and compared all options available on the market so that we would create our best product yet. I am sure our clients will be very interested in this product, as it sets a new market standard, based on its high level of benefits and affordable prices”, says Zahal Levy, President of MediHelp International.
Amongst the main benefits of the MediHelp Superior Plan are: international coverage, private medical care at the best medical facilities anywhere in the world, 100% coverage for hospitalization, inpatient care and surgery expenses, 100% coverage for cancer(including cancer drugs) and organ and tissue in case of a need for. Maternity care is also amongst the benefits of the Plan and it covers also new-born care and treatment for complications during pregnancy.
MediHelp Superior offers 24/7 emergency and assistance alarm centre and access to ambulance services, as well as a very coveted benefit – air evacuation.
Depending on the chosen area of coverage and age, the annual premium for MediHelp Superior Plan starts at 460 euros.
MediHelp Superior Plan is a self-developed insurance. More information on the new MediHelp Superior Plan can be found online at: www.medihelp-assistance.com.