The differences between the new statutory benefits package and private health insurance with international coverage- MediHelp International Press Release- 09.01.2014

The differences between the new statutory benefits package and private health insurance with international coverage- MediHelp International Press Release- 09.01.2014

The latest official statements show that Romanian patients will now be treated in other EU countries from the, based on the new statutory benefits package, but with certain limitations. With the adoption of this initiative it is important that the Romanians make a clear difference between the statutory benefits package and the benefits that may be obtained through a private health insurance plan with international coverage.

In the new discussed formula, they will try to transfer a significant part of the funding from the hospitals to outpatient medical treatment, considered cheaper and more effective in many cases. The Ministry of Health has published documents which contain details of the statutory benefits package offered in hospitals, policlinics, by family doctors and with primary care.

Among the services reported so far in the statutory benefits package:

The possibility of treatment abroad, but only if the patient requires medical services that cannot be provided in Romania
The right to 4 free consultations per year in clinics (for most infections/diseases)
Gradual reduction of hospital admissions for a list of over 300 diagnoses including pneumonia, ulcers, type 2 diabetes or hepatitis
The possibility of 82 free clinics usual tests and procedures
The obligation of the family doctor to consult annually every child until they reach the age of 18.
For the patients diagnosed with cancer, the basic package will provide a consultation every two months for a clinic (outpatient) treatment, doing the necessary investigations during a day hospitalization and all treatments and surgeries required and provided within the National Oncology Program.
”We encourage the initiative of the Government to provide access for the population to medical services abroad. It is, for some Romanians, the equivalent to a chance of life. Given that most patients often want high standards, they choose to receive surgery or get a diagnose abroad. Our private health insurance packages provide all insured people this right from the start, whether or not the treatment/surgery can be done in Romania, and the limit of coverage is more than 1. mil. EUR/year.” Says Alida Coman, Marketing and PR Coordinator MediHelp International.

Here are the most important benefits obtained with international medical insurance:

International Coverage
Get Medical Care anywhere
Cover for Hospitalization and all Related Costs
Air Evacuation
Cover for Cancer Treatment
Transplant Services
Outpatient Care
Access to Any Clinic in the World
All Emergency Services 24/7